231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Town Manager Reports Lake City Directly Affected by Frozen FEMA Program

Town Manager Lex Mulhall attended a Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) funding freeze meeting last month, where questions were answered about all federal funding freezes mandated by Trump’s executive orders. On this call were over six hundred attendees from town and county governments, schools, special districts and non-profit organizations, all of whom were being affected by the freezing of federal funds.Mulhall asked about the state revolving loan fund that will be used to fund the construction of Lake City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), set to begin this spring. He was told that funds that have already been rewarded are in possession of the state, but that no new funding is available and it is unknown when additional funding might become available.Further, Mulhall was informed that 35 lawsuits have been filed against Trump’s executive orders, and two judges have ruled frozen funds are to be released immediately until the matter is settled in court. Despite this, most federal funds are still frozen and intended recipients of those funds are unable to submit reimbursement requests. In his Town Manager report submitted at the March 5 Board of Trustees meeting, Mulhall informed Trustees, “The Trump administration is ignoring the court rulings” at this

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Uncertainty of Fed Funds Echoed at County Meetings

In terms of uncertain Federal-source funds with the potential to impact planned county projects, Commissioners on February 19 met virtually with County Emergency Manager Phil Graham.Graham referenced a technical assistance grant request by Town of Lake City for an emergency backup generator and portions of the wastewater treatment plant expansion which has now “come to an abrupt halt” as of Friday, February 14 (see separate story), although the grant application’s requirement for a benefit/cost analysis is complete.In his exchange with Commissioners Borchers, Levine, and Hurd, Emergency Manager Graham noted that the county, in partnership with Lake City Area Medical Center is proceeding with plans for a FEMA grant application in the neighborhood of $200,000 for the cost of emergency backup generators at both the county’s new, yet-to-be-built Operations Center and Lake City Area Medical Center, together with associated equipment.If approved, the county/medical center FEMA grant would cover 75 percent of the cost for the two generators and associated equipment, with Hinsdale County and Lake Fork Health Service District then splitting the 25 percent match 50-50. County Finance Officer Lynn McNitt told Commissioners the county’s half of the match is now held in savings.Commissioners also engaged in an informative discussion with

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Editor's Pick

Community Calendar

Friday, March 14 Saturday, March 15 Sunday, March 16 Monday, March 17 Tuesday, March 18 Wednesday, March 19 Thursday, March 20 Friday, March 21

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Dear Grant

There is a false narrative out there concerning the Social Security program. Here’s an email explaining how it works:“Social Security runs on COBOL (a computer programming language designed for use in commerce), which does not use a date or time type. So, the date is stored as a number using

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Dear Grant and Silver World crew—

I continue to enjoy reading of Lake City from (very) far afield, here in Virginia. I noticed a reference to OHV decibel levels in the February 28 Silver World. While I have no dog in the OHV issue, my wife Liz and I were surprised at how many of them

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Celebrating the 2025 Cannibal Snowshoe Scramble!We extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who joined us for the 2025 Cannibal Snowshoe Scramble this past Saturday. Your energy and enthusiasm made the event a tremendous success!A special thank you goes to all our volunteers whose dedication and hard work helped make this

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Dear Grant

I am writing on behalf of the late H.G. Heath, founder of the Lake City High School, and Principle of the entire school for 35 years. [ 1903-1938] The Heaths send our family’s congratulations to LCCS Board President Virden, LCCS Superintendent Hall, her team & all the students regarding the

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Dear Grant

We want to thank our beautiful community and also to those outside our community for their love and gifts towards helping our nephew in his recovery.Shad never gives up. He enjoys his friends and all the people of Lake City so very much.We appreciate each and every one of you!

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The Lake City SILVER WORLD (U.S.P.S. No. 436-630)
Published weekly on Fridays
$50 a year mailed in Hinsdale & Gunnison Counties,
$40 online for computer, Ipad, Kindle, tablet, smart phone,
$60 a year elsewhere U.S. Silver World Publishing Co.,
P.O. Box 100, Lake City, Colo. 81235 (970) 944-2515
Second Class Postage paid at Lake City, Colorado
e-mail address: [email protected] FAX: 970-944-7009
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SILVER WORLD
P.O. BOX 100, LAKE CITY, COLO. 81235
Editor & Publisher Grant E. Houston
Production Coordinator Jennifer Rightsell
Bookkeeper – Cindy Young


Signed articles and letters are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor. Letters to the editor should be no longer than 800 words and will be edited at the editor’s discretion for length. Letters should be pertinent to community issues.

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