231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Plans for ‘Red House 2.0’ Already Underway

Coffins plan to rebuild fire-ravaged family home, express gratitudefor outpouring of support. By Chris Dickey Mere days removed from experiencing the devastating loss of the home that has housed generations of family get-togethers, holidays, birthday celebrations, funerals and a wedding reception, Tracy Nichols-Coffin is remarkably determined about what comes next.“Heck yes, we’re rebuilding,” she said when asked about such plans by the Silver World this week. “Red House 2.0.”To Lake City historians, the structure at 521 Gunnison Avenue, which dates to 1876, was known as the Beam-Nichols house. To the family that has occupied it since John and Mary Ann Nichols purchased it in 1969, it’s forever been known as “The Red House” because of the signature (and unchanging) color adorning its log and clapboard siding.The house was engulfed in flames late Sunday afternoon, Sept. 1, after a barbecue grill caught fire and quickly spread to the house. No one was injured, including pets, and local firefighters’ quick response prevented the blaze from spreading to neighboring homes.“The scary part happened to us,” Nichols-Coffin said, “but the death of that home is being felt by all of us who have loved it for so long.”John Hatley Nichols grew up frequenting Lake

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New Owners Breathe New Life into Fine-Dining Establishment, Climb Elevated Eatery

by Shannon Squires The Climb Elevated Eatery (Climb) is the first obvious restaurant drivers see when they round the bend towards Lake City’s cottonwood tree-lined main street while heading south on Colorado State Highway 149. Formed by Linda Lovegreen and her husband Jerry Johnson in 2016, Climb has been a seasonal purveyor of upscale food and beverages, steadily creating a reputation for themselves as Lake City’s top establishment for date nights, family events, anniversaries, and other special occasions. Longtime locals and summer residents alike anticipate Climb’s Spring opening, so in 2022, when word began to percolate that the eatery was going to be up for sale, the natives were understandably restless.     Fortunately for the fine dining community in Lake City, a plan was coming to fruition between front of house leader Razvan (Raz) Armeanca and seasoned Lake City chef Tyler Crump. The proposal had a third party, Craig Suiter, a silent partner in Arizona; however the day-to-day operations of Climb would be for Raz and Tyler to manage. Linda Lovegreen and Jerry Johnson would assist with a transitionary period for the month of June, beyond that the two would be on their own. However, Lake City is home to

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Editor's Pick

Dear Grant,

The Hinsdale County Commissioners would like to take this opportunity to thank Michelle Pierce for her work with the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District (UGRWCD). Michelle began serving as a board member in 2015 as a representative from Hinsdale County. She became board president in 2017 and served in

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After a summer of moisture, the Gunnison Basin’s water supply situation offers a mixed outlook. Following a promising snowpack season, water conditions have settled into an average range.As noted in the Colorado River District’s July memorandum, the Upper Gunnison Basin experienced a favorable snowpack during the winter of 2023-2024, with

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Dear Grant,

In the August 23rd Silver World was a letter in support of the current Hinsdale CountyBoard of Commissioners. We, the Mineral County Board of Commissioners are writing to echo some of the sentiments in that letter; specifically support forGreg Levine in his bid for re-election this November.As you know, the

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Dear Grant,

Human Powered Endeavors would like to thank the following volunteers and sponsors for their generous contributions to the 6th Annual Lake City Alpine 50 high-alpine bike race.Key to any race is the safety of our riders. Harvey and Kathy DuChene, Joseph Freeland, Patrick and Andrea Woods, Laurel Darren, Brett Talcott,

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Dear Grant,

I just read the August 9 Silver World. Almost every week over the past few years, there have been reports of the town and county working together to get things done, regardless of political differences, to benefit all residents. This kind of cooperation rarely happens in government. Considering that our

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Dear Grant,

I would like to encourage both residents, new business owners, new homeowners, and visitors to turn off their lights at the end of the day. This dramatically helps prevent unnecessary light pollution for our exceptionally beautiful starry night skies.Of special importance is that this weekend, the Perseid Meteor Shower will

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The Lake City SILVER WORLD (U.S.P.S. No. 436-630)
Published weekly on Fridays
$50 a year mailed in Hinsdale & Gunnison Counties,
$40 online for computer, Ipad, Kindle, tablet, smart phone,
$60 a year elsewhere U.S. Silver World Publishing Co.,
P.O. Box 100, Lake City, Colo. 81235 (970) 944-2515
Second Class Postage paid at Lake City, Colorado
e-mail address: [email protected] FAX: 970-944-7009
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to SILVER WORLD
P.O. BOX 100, LAKE CITY, COLO. 81235
Editor & Publisher Grant E. Houston
Production Coordinator Jennifer Rightsell
Bookkeeper – Cindy Young


Signed articles and letters are the responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editor. Letters to the editor should be no longer than 800 words and will be edited at the editor’s discretion for length. Letters should be pertinent to community issues.

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