Dear Lake City Community,I would like to thank everyone who attended the Meet and Greet last Thursday the 18th at PackersCannibal Grill. We had a good turn out and I really appreciate all the input and concerns that wererelayed to me. I always want to hear people’s thoughts, ideas and where they stand on issues, aswell as letting you know where I stand on any given issue. I believe it was very productive. I would alsolike to thank Josh and Amber Vortruba for hosting this event on their day off, it was greatly appreciated.I will always have an open ear and am willing to listen to all who care to talk to me. I will be hostingmore meet and greets throughout the summer and fall. Hope to see more of you attending. Please feelfree to contact me any time 720-234-1740 with any questions or ideas you may have.Thank you,Steve RyalsCandidate for Commissioner District 1
Dear Volunteers:We couldn’t do this without you! Most of youaddressed in this email have been working to installboxes and now starting to monitor nest boxes fornesting activity. I went out today with Lyn Lampertto show him his nest boxes. He checked on each box(#33 and #34) and found nest material in one and afemale Mountain Bluebird hanging around another!Cinda Rabon reports nesting material in (#69) one ofher boxes. Nesting is starting!I hope some of you who are not committed toregular monitoring may be available should we needassistance as the nesting season progresses. If youwould like to accompany a monitor on their route,please visit and learn nest protocols.It’s important to know the basics so we don’t disturbthe birds and know what to look for. Please do readthe attached Monitoring Guide, which I have sent tosome of you previously. You don’t have to be anexpert to be a successful monitor. You simply need toknow how to be a careful monitor!Most importantly, please respond to this emailwith news about your boxes and any activity you’vewitnessed. Please include: date observed, location,nesting activity seen, etc. We all want/need to knowthe results of our hard work! See you on the nestingtrail…Judith Mueller BoyceP.O. Box 673Lake City, CO 8123832-277-8203“People have more fun than anybody.”James Thurber
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