231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Day: February 22, 2025

Local Political Parties Name Party Officers in Biennial Reorganization Meetings

County Dems Retain Rightsell, Robinson, Houston as Party Officers Simultaneous to the Republican reorganization meeting, February 15 at 1 p.m., Hinsdale County Democrats held their biennial reorganization meeting via Zoom. Because of some confusion at the state level to do with official filing of the party’s officers, the meeting was hosted by Huerfano County’s District 3 Chairperson, Pam Ezpinoza, rather than by the County’s existing officers, as would normally be the case. Those in attendance – Chairperson Jennifer Rightsell, Vice Chair Carol Robinson and Treasurer Lorie Stewart along with husband BIll Stewart – welcomed the change, enjoying Espinoza’s enthusiasm and charged energy. All officers – Rightsell, Robinson, Stewart and Secretary Grant Houston (not present), were unanimously re-elected into their prospective positions. Once this business was attended to, Espinoza chatted with the County Dems about the state of the country, giving insights into her own goals and visions for the upcoming years.Calling herself an “unapologetic Democrat,” Espinoza stressed the importance of rural voices like those in counties like Hinsdale being heard. “Republican, Democrat – I don’t care which,” she said, “shared values are where we connect. That’s all that really matters.” …………………………….. Pick up this week’s edition to read more about the Democratic Party Reorganization. County GOP Returns Bruce, Murphy, Williams as Party Officers Hinsdale County Republican Central Committee chaired by Diane Bruce held its biennial reorganization meeting at Baptist Fellowship Hall, 1 p.m. Saturday, February 15 and with 11 registered GOP members present unanimously re-elected the county party’s present slate of officers.Re-elected for two years are party chairperson Bruce, vice chairman Michael Murphy, and secretary/treasurer Wes Williams. Mineral County GOP Chairman Eric Grossman, who also serves as the state party’s Events Chairman, braved winter weather to attend the Hinsdale Republican Party’s reorganization meeting.Among those attending the GOP Reorganization as participants were Hinsdale County Treasurer and Coroner Lori Lawrence and Deputy Treasurer Lori Hanko.Grossman spoke to the assembled group after the reorganization meeting formally adjourned at 1:47 p.m. Saturday. In addition to re-electing the present party executive committee — Bruce, Murphy, and Williams — Hinsdale Republicans also named incumbents Michelle Cogger, Nancy Chambers, and South End resident Bobby Kleckner to the Hinsdale GOP Vacancy Committee.Chambers takes the place of Becky Weeks serving with both Kleckner and Cogger, and party officers, on the party’s vacancy committee which meets in the event an elected GOP official resigns in mid-term. …………………………………………………………………….. Pick up this week’s edition to read more about the Republican Party Reorganization.

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Squires Leaving as Lake City Postmaster, Corie Godwin Named Officer in Charge

Changes are afoot at Lake City Post Office as the revered local institution prepares to celebrate 150 years since it was established in June, 1875.Shannon Squires, who took the place of retiring Lake City Postmaster Darlene Fry-Holst, is preparing to move to Bend, Oregon, and her final official day on the job in Lake City is Friday, February 21.Squires has been employed by the U.S. Postal Service for five years during time which she has worked at 14 different postal facilities, including three different postal facilities — Friday Harbor, Eastsound and Orcas Landing — on San Juan and Orcas Islands off the coast of Washington State.Most recently prior to Lake City and being named Supervisor here effective June 3, 2023, Squires, worked as a post office clerk in Franktown, Colorado, between Denver and Colorado Springs.“Leaving Lake City is not an easy thing to do,” she says, noting that in her new home of Bend she has a new romantic interest and will continue U.S. Post Office work at a sort station and distribution center.Squires has acquired property in Lake City — the historic Evangeline Lode overlooking Henson Creek which she bought from Gene Brown — and says, it is a given that she and family members including her mother and children will return on a frequent basis and plan, eventually, to build a cabin on the lode claim.As for Lake City Post Office, Squires says she has “absolutely no concerns” and feels she is leaving it in excellent hands with its two tenured clerks, Emily Dozier, who is a nine-year Lake City Post Office clerk, and former Kansas resident Corie Godwin who was hired as clerk two years ago. With Squires’ departure effective Friday this week, Corie Godwin is now Officer in Charge until a replacement supervisor is named.The process for searching for a qualified new Lake City Postmaster starts as the supervisor vacancy is internally listed for existing U.S. Post Office Supervisors who may wish to change location. A criteria for being hired as new Lake City Postmaster is that the individual live in or around Lake City and has local housing.After two cycles being internally advertised to post office supervisors, and if there are no applications, the local office vacancy is then opened for application from all post office employees.Realistically, Squires feels it will be at least three months before a permanent replacement is named for the Lake City Post Office, and for the interim Corie Godwin will continue as Officer in Charge.In terms of how appealing the Lake City Post Office may be for future applicants, Squires foresees it as attractive for both new post office employees or long-time supervisors who may be on the verge of retirement.“The metrics of the Lake City Post Office have changed,” says Squires, noting that it has now expanded to offer passport services. During her two-year tenure, she says, she has concentrated on increasing revenue and favorable survey results.As a result of those shifting metrics, “I think Lake City will be extremely attractive and I anticipate lively interest in the supervisor position.”In addition to her supervisory work at Lake City, during her residence in Lake City, Squires assisted at neighboring post offices, including Crested Butte and Gunnison, at the latter working management detail during the Christmas, 2023, season.She assisted part-time at several local restaurants while living here and will be recalled by WORLD readers for several articles which she researched and wrote for this newspaper, including a geologic-themed features on rare agates to be found north of Lake City.As historical footnote on the 150-year-old Lake City Post Office, it opened June 18, 1875, and its first Postmaster was Stephen A. Dole whose family is best known for its connection to Hawaiian pineapples.The now departing Shannon Squires was the local post office’s 23rd postmaster; in its lengthy history the longest tenured Lake City Postmaster in the local office’s 150-year history is present-day Lake City resident Beth Hurd whose tenure as Postmaster spanned 36 years, two months, and 25 days starting 1979 and continuing through retirement in August, 2010.

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