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Kaminski Resigns as Sheriff’s Dept. Undersheriff

Since last week’s edition, a third resignation, from Hinsdale County Undersheriff Kaminski, has occurred within the staffing ranks of Hinsdale County Sheriff’s Office.
On the heels of Sheriff Kambish and Deputy Brennan Pantleo, whose resignations were reported in the June 7 edition of SILVER WORLD, Undersheriff Jordan Kaminski submitted a resignation letter dated last Thursday, June 13.
Kaminski’s tenure as deputy dates 2012-2014, and again 2018-2020. He served as Hinsdale County Undersheriff from September, 2020, until present.
Sheriff Kambish, who will be succeeded by former sheriff Ron Bruce effective July 12, has stated he does not intend to appoint a replacement undersheriff, telling WORLD “I will leave that up to Ron.”
With the resignations of Sheriff Kambish, Undersheriff Kaminski, and Deputy Pantleo, law enforcement personnel at short-staffed Hinsdale County Sheriff’s Dept. consists of Sheriff Kambish until July 12 and then Sheriff Bruce, Deputies Denham Starnes and Sarah Poet, and Seasonal Deputy Mark Zeckser.
The text of Undersheriff Kaminski’s letter of resignation is as follows:
“Sheriff Kambish,
Please accept this as my official letter of resignation. With the appointment of interim Sheriff Ron Bruce, and hearing from him and the Board of County Commissioners, I believe that it is time for me to tender my resignation.
It has been an honor to work for you in serving the community. I have learned a great deal and greatly appreciated the opportunity these last five years.
My resignation will take effect June 23, 2024, or earlier if you so desire.

Again, thank you for the opportunity.
Jordan Kaminski
Hinsdale County Sheriff’s Office”

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