231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235


After a summer of moisture, the Gunnison Basin’s water supply situation offers a mixed outlook. Following a promising snowpack season, water conditions have settled into an average range.
As noted in the Colorado River District’s July memorandum, the Upper Gunnison Basin experienced a favorable snowpack during the winter of 2023-2024, with snow water equivalent levels peaking slightly above the long-term median. This strong snowpack promised a healthy runoff season, contributing to above-average water supplies across many of the region’s reservoirs. Blue Mesa Reservoir peaked at about 79% capacity this summer.
The Gunnison River Basin, which includes critical agricultural areas like the Uncompahgre Valley, experienced near-normal water conditions. Most upstream reservoirs, such as Taylor Park and Ridgway, filled.
Looking ahead, recent precipitation has bolstered soil moisture across the basin. This should help moderate water demands through the remainder of the season.
While the Gunnison Basin’s water supply for 2024 was generally positive, it is underscored by a need for ongoing adaptive management to navigate the challenges posed by fluctuating climatic conditions and variable inflow forecasts.
For more detailed water supply projections and real-time updates, please visit the Colorado Basin River Forecast Center (www.cbrfc.noaa.gov), or head to gunnisonriverbasin.org for more resources.

Savannah Nelson
GBRT Public Education, Participation, and Outreach (PEPO) Coordinator

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