231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Dear Editor,

With an increased focus on home electrification to improve energy efficiency and decrease carbon emissions, GCEA wishes to remind our members of the many rebates and on-bill repayment program we offer to help make weatherization and electric appliance upgrades possible. We recognize that many GCEA members have a desire to reduce emissions through home improvements but lack the upfront capital required to make these projects a reality.

If you are looking to upgrade your windows and doors or install a heat pump or EV charger, these programs help you save money upfront and pay off the balance over time with a line item added to your monthly GCEA electric bill. Through GCEA’s partnership with Tri-State Generation & Transmission, Colorado Clean Energy Fund, and Zero Homes, we are helping homeowners receive free energy assessments and guidance on what eligible measures meet their budget and energy goals.

To learn more, visit https://www.gcea.coop/electrify-and-save/ or call (970) 641-3520.

Kind regards,
Alliy Sahagun
Gunnison County Electric Association (GCEA)

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