231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Dear Friends of the Curry Campaign for House District 58 –

Here is an update on the House District 58 race. Things are still up in the air as far as who I am running against! According to the Colorado Secretary of State’s website, Larry Don Suckla is beating Mark Roeber by 3 votes (no this isn’t a typo!). There will be an automatic recount which has to be completed by July 30th. That means each of the eight county clerks in the district will be recounting the ballots. Historically recounts don’t usually change the vote outcomes but with the numbers being so close it is hard to predict.
My campaign is going full steam while my opponents are in limbo. I have been traveling the district to attend events and talk to voters – from Norwood to Paonia to Dove Creek to Ouray. My goal is to reach out to all of the voters in the district – 47% of them are unaffiliated – to get my message out. I am stressing the fact that I have experience at the Capitol, I know how to get things done, and that I am policy and solution oriented in my approach.
I am really looking forward to the events coming up – I will have a float in the Cattlemen’s Days
2024 Member parade in Gunnison on July 13th, and will be attending events in Montrose, Nucla, Lake City, Olathe, Delta, and Crawford in the next several weeks. With the help of my campaign team we are hard at work preparing ads, distributing signs, preparing mailings and literature drops, and reserving radio and print media spots. I want to thank you all for your support and encouragement and ask that you forward this email to others that you think might be interested in the campaign!

Kathleen Curry

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