231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235


As has been mentioned several times of late, The Lake City Board of Trustees has two vacancies just waiting to be filled. This letter is to encourage at least two of our voters to apply to fill these vacancies.
Serving as a town trustee, although extremely important, is not burdensome time-wise but it does require a commitment to attend at least two meetings on the first and 3rd Wednesdays of each month.
There has even been talk about reducing the size of the board from seven to five members. I strongly oppose this reduction for the simple and obvious reason that seven trustees can more adequately reflect more parts of our community.
The 9 1/2 years I served our town as a trustee were enlightening for me regarding how government works. The decisions I made with my vote were not always easy. I learned that I could go into a meeting with my mind made up as to how I would vote on a particular issue. Then, the citizens had their say and I sometimes changed my stance after hearing the people speak.
If it were possible, I believe that everyone ought to service in some capacity in local government. (That’s not happening). I do urge at least two of you, and more, so we have a choice, to apply to fill the vacant seats.
FYI, during my term, we saw the building of the two bridges, one over Hinson Creek, and the other crossing the Lake Fork at 5th street. The town purchased what is now a lovely wetlands full of wildlife known as Peat’s Lake. There is a red path going from Silver Street through the park, past the playground and ending at the restrooms. We had a parent with mobility issues and that path made it possible for her to take her young children to the restrooms.
I am proud to have had a hand in these projects’ course, there were many more good things of note, but these stand out for me.
Mary Nettleton
Lake City

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