231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Nesting Boxes

Dear Volunteers:
We couldn’t do this without you! Most of you
addressed in this email have been working to install
boxes and now starting to monitor nest boxes for
nesting activity. I went out today with Lyn Lampert
to show him his nest boxes. He checked on each box
(#33 and #34) and found nest material in one and a
female Mountain Bluebird hanging around another!
Cinda Rabon reports nesting material in (#69) one of
her boxes. Nesting is starting!
I hope some of you who are not committed to
regular monitoring may be available should we need
assistance as the nesting season progresses. If you
would like to accompany a monitor on their route,
please visit NestWatch.org and learn nest protocols.
It’s important to know the basics so we don’t disturb
the birds and know what to look for. Please do read
the attached Monitoring Guide, which I have sent to
some of you previously. You don’t have to be an
expert to be a successful monitor. You simply need to
know how to be a careful monitor!
Most importantly, please respond to this email
with news about your boxes and any activity you’ve
witnessed. Please include: date observed, location,
nesting activity seen, etc. We all want/need to know
the results of our hard work! See you on the nesting
Judith Mueller Boyce
P.O. Box 673
Lake City, CO 8123

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