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New Trustee Wuest Sworn in, OHV Noise Considered at BOT February 19 Meeting

During the February 19 Town of Lake City Board of Trustees meeting, newly appointed Trustee Nathan Wuest was officially sworn in by Mayor Dave Roberts. After taking his oath, Roberts congratulated Wuest, who thanked him in return. .
Trustee Jodi Linsey spoke first in the workshop portion of the evening, saying that she had received an email from David Cherry dated January 31, addressed to the Mayor and Trustees. While Linsey did not read the letter, she deemed it “thoughtful and well-written,” and asked that it be included in the next meeting’s correspondence received.
Town Manager Lex Mulhall stated that many emails had been received since the joint Town and County meeting and asked if all of those emails should be included, noting that nearly everyone has an opinion on OHVs and the volume of correspondence can become overwhelming.
It was agreed upon, across the Board of Trustees, that in the interest of transparency any letter or email addressed to the Mayor and Board of Trustees should indeed be included in correspondence received to be available for public review.
Turning the conversation to the matter of OHVs, Mayor Roberts said that he “wanted to keep the conversation going” ahead of the summer season, “because summer will be here before you know it, so the sooner we can have things in place and have information out there for people, the better.”
Mayor Roberts directed Trustees to look over the Stay the Trail Off Highway Guidelines pamphlet, saying, “I think [the pamphlet] covers the question of excessive noise, and while it all comes down to enforcement, that’s a reason to have the Sheriff involved in that conversation. What irritates me is when they’re coming down Crooke’s Hill – I remember being a teenager and whoever had the loudest stereo ‘won’ – some [of the OHVs] are so loud you can hear them from town. They don’t need to be that loud.”
The pamphlet states that vehicles manufactured after January 1, 1998 register at 96dB(A) [A-weighted decibel] and vehicles manufactured before that date register at 99dB(A).
Trustee Diane Bruce pointed out that there is no way to measure this when an OHV is travelling on the road, especially when there are other vehicles around, and that the verbiage in the potential ordinance the Trustees are considering is “unreasonable or excessive engine noise or blower noise. The only way [to determine] it would be to have them rev their engine, stationary. Also – we don’t want vehicles up on the Loop – or driving around town for that matter – without their spark arrestors.” Bruce also cited the hours of operation proposed in the ordinance as 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., with restricted operation of OHVs outside of those hours.”
Mayor Roberts said, “I think we’re doing what we can, and I’d just like to get it done, so we can get the word out before the masses arrive.”
Bruce added “it’s important to stay proactive and doing things in the direction of improving the situation, so let’s continue to do that.”

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