231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Riotous Fun in the Snow…

School play directors Lily Virden and Caitlyn Rhodes scored a hit with their raucous and laugh-filled Christmas extravaganza, “Snow Biz!”, in which warmly-costumed elementary students performed to a packed house on stage in the gymnasium at Lake City Community School last Friday evening, December 15.
Starting off with harmonious singing and gyrations by preschool and kindergarten/1st Grade students to the tune of “Christmas Tree Farm” and “Frosty the Snowman”, the “Snow Biz” all-things-snow lovefest consisted of a series of snow-themed vignettes ranging from a Virdenesque-professor, portrayed by Grant Loper, amusingly describing the intricacies of snowfall, to contemplative elementary ice fishermen, and an appropriately-attired ice cream delivery man, Corban Humphreys, furiously peddling about the stage on a tricycle.
Additional “Snow Biz!” photos — the annual Holiday play performed in advance of the start of Lake City Community School’s Winter Break, which begins Friday, December 22.

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