Klondike Snowslide Blocks Henson Creek, Briefly Strands Capitol City Residents
An annual rite of high country spring, the once or occasionally twice-per-season running of the Klondike Snowslide, occurred late last week.This year’s slide once again blocked a narrow section of Henson Creek midway between Nellie Creek and the Capitol City Townsite, depositing heavily compacted snow an estimated 25’ deep cross both County Road 20 and the blockaded creekbed.The blocked road, including impounded Henson Creek water 3” to 4” deep above the slide, temporarily inconvenienced one Capitol City resident, Ron Hefty, who rode his side-by-side OHV down to the upper side of the slide on a reconnaissance mission. The OHV promptly became bogged and then frozen overnight in the water and snow slush, and was later retrieved.In addition to to Hefty, also briefly snowbound as a result of the snowslide was Capitol City homeowner Bill Matlack.As a safety precaution with snowslide danger in mind, Hinsdale County Road and Bridge seasonally closes County Road 20 to Capitol City and beyond with a locked gate at Nellie Creek. Recreationists and up valley landowners are, however, allowed to park at the gate and at their own risk traverse the unplowed portion of CR20 beyond the gate on foot or via snowmobile. After learning of the Klondike Slide last Wednesday, and trapped Capitol City residents above the slide, Hinsdale Road & Bridge Supervisor Don Menzies says he walked to the slide to assess the situation. After allowing the snow to settle and ascertaining no further slide activity was imminent, Menzies instructed Senior Foreman Gavin McNitt and road dept. workers Tom Hamel and Travis de Christino to begin clearing the slide on Monday this week utilizing the county road crew’s backhoe, front end loader, and Komatzu bulldozer.Menzies said he expects the snowslide to be cleared after a full day’s work on Monday, although upper Henson Creek road access will remain closed at the Nellie Creek gate.The Klondike Snowslide has been known in the past to have occasionally run twice in a season and several traditional snowslide routes — the Big and Little Casino Slides — have yet to run this year. Despite occasional suggestions for year-round plowing of CR20 to Capitol City, Road Supervisor Menzies is adamant that the county “will never keep the road open” in winter and early spring beyond Nellie Creek owing to extreme snowslide danger.County Administrator Sandy Hines emphasizes that despite increasing Capitol City development, the county has historically not plowed upper portions of CR 20 beyond its intersection with Nellie Creek owing to snowslide health and safety concerns. She adds that in the future, Commissioners may revisit and clarify exemptions which have allowed snowmobilers to utilize unplowed portions of the road at their own risk. Informal discussions between the county and Capitol City landowners took place in September and October last year in relation to County Road 20 traffic, first requests for highway surface improvement and later a request for increased signage in terms of speed limits.Commissioners were also requested to work with Hinsdale Road & Bridge to ensure that private vehicles parked at the Nellie Creek Road closure were not plowed in.In separate road & bridge news, and now interrupted by work clearing the Klondike Snowslide, Hinsdale Road & Bridge Supervisor Don Menzies reports that on Henson Creek, and above the locked gate at Nellie Creek, road worker Zairick Waddington had used the county’s D7 bulldozer clearing snow as far as Whitmore Falls near the base of Engineer Pass.Until Wednesday last week on the Upper Lake Fork, Tom Hamel was at work on the Komatzu bulldozer opening County Road 30 on the approach to Cinnamon Pass as far as Grizzly Gulch at the start of Burrows Park.Last Wednesday’s Henson Creek snowslide, together with intermittent early spring snowfall last week, may delay further high country road openings until mid-April.