231 N. Silver St. Ste 2,
Lake City, CO 81235

Tag: Lake City Colorado

Klondike Snowslide Blocks Henson Creek, Briefly Strands Capitol City Residents

An annual rite of high country spring, the once or occasionally twice-per-season running of the Klondike Snowslide, occurred late last week.This year’s slide once again blocked a narrow section of Henson Creek midway between Nellie Creek and the Capitol City Townsite, depositing heavily compacted snow an estimated 25’ deep cross both County Road 20 and the blockaded creekbed.The blocked road, including impounded Henson Creek water 3” to 4” deep above the slide, temporarily inconvenienced one Capitol City resident, Ron Hefty, who rode his side-by-side OHV down to the upper side of the slide on a reconnaissance mission. The OHV promptly became bogged and then frozen overnight in the water and snow slush, and was later retrieved.In addition to to Hefty, also briefly snowbound as a result of the snowslide was Capitol City homeowner Bill Matlack.As a safety precaution with snowslide danger in mind, Hinsdale County Road and Bridge seasonally closes County Road 20 to Capitol City and beyond with a locked gate at Nellie Creek. Recreationists and up valley landowners are, however, allowed to park at the gate and at their own risk traverse the unplowed portion of CR20 beyond the gate on foot or via snowmobile. After learning of the Klondike Slide last Wednesday, and trapped Capitol City residents above the slide, Hinsdale Road & Bridge Supervisor Don Menzies says he walked to the slide to assess the situation. After allowing the snow to settle and ascertaining no further slide activity was imminent, Menzies instructed Senior Foreman Gavin McNitt and road dept. workers Tom Hamel and Travis de Christino to begin clearing the slide on Monday this week utilizing the county road crew’s backhoe, front end loader, and Komatzu bulldozer.Menzies said he expects the snowslide to be cleared after a full day’s work on Monday, although upper Henson Creek road access will remain closed at the Nellie Creek gate.The Klondike Snowslide has been known in the past to have occasionally run twice in a season and several traditional snowslide routes — the Big and Little Casino Slides — have yet to run this year. Despite occasional suggestions for year-round plowing of CR20 to Capitol City, Road Supervisor Menzies is adamant that the county “will never keep the road open” in winter and early spring beyond Nellie Creek owing to extreme snowslide danger.County Administrator Sandy Hines emphasizes that despite increasing Capitol City development, the county has historically not plowed upper portions of CR 20 beyond its intersection with Nellie Creek owing to snowslide health and safety concerns. She adds that in the future, Commissioners may revisit and clarify exemptions which have allowed snowmobilers to utilize unplowed portions of the road at their own risk. Informal discussions between the county and Capitol City landowners took place in September and October last year in relation to County Road 20 traffic, first requests for highway surface improvement and later a request for increased signage in terms of speed limits.Commissioners were also requested to work with Hinsdale Road & Bridge to ensure that private vehicles parked at the Nellie Creek Road closure were not plowed in.In separate road & bridge news, and now interrupted by work clearing the Klondike Snowslide, Hinsdale Road & Bridge Supervisor Don Menzies reports that on Henson Creek, and above the locked gate at Nellie Creek, road worker Zairick Waddington had used the county’s D7 bulldozer clearing snow as far as Whitmore Falls near the base of Engineer Pass.Until Wednesday last week on the Upper Lake Fork, Tom Hamel was at work on the Komatzu bulldozer opening County Road 30 on the approach to Cinnamon Pass as far as Grizzly Gulch at the start of Burrows Park.Last Wednesday’s Henson Creek snowslide, together with intermittent early spring snowfall last week, may delay further high country road openings until mid-April.

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Town Passes OHV Ordinance for Hours of Operation, Spark Arrestors, Fines

Town of Lake City Board of Trustees and Mayor Dave Roberts met with Sheriff Denim Starnes and Deputy Jim Hunsicker during the March 19 regular workshop and meeting to discuss Town OHV regulations and the OHV year-end report. The annual report is generated through input collected from Hinsdale County Finance Director Lynn McNitt, Mayor Roberts, Sheriff Starnes, Captain James Saunders with Colorado State Patrol, Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) Traffic and Safety Program Manager Zane Znamenacek and CDOT Regional Operator RE Hall.The report, which is required by CDOT’s Special Use Permit, is submitted at the end of each season to communicate concerns or issues that occurred.The report states: Following the end of the 2024 summer season, concerns were communicated to the County and Town that the new start date had adversely affected local business. The County Commissioners and Town Trustees discussed changing the start date for 2025, which would require a new request for an updated Special Use Permit from CDOT. Eventually it was determined to wait until the end of the current 2024-2025 permit. Both the Town and County boards will meet to discuss the possibility of requesting a new permit to continue the OHV Highway program in 2026 and beyond.Other than a few exceptions, each contributing participant named above had relatively the same sentiments to relate, summed up by Saunders as, “Everything else was usual. Nothing to report. That’s good news.”Sheriff Starnes stated that along with Colorado Parks and Wildlife Officer Lucas Martin, reporting approximately 150 total contacts were made with OHV drivers on Highway 149. Of those 150 contacts, approximately seven percent resulted in citations.At the March 19 meeting, Mayor Roberts reiterated that in the end of year report, he had “nothing new to add following the 2024 season.” His biggest complaint, within the report, he said, was that the program timeline was shortened and that “a lot of businesses didn’t like that. A lot of people in town would like to see the program go back to the original start date (Memorial Day).”Trustee Bruce said, “So we haven’t had any incidents. Again.” Bruce referenced the data that Lucas Martin contributed to the report, saying, “so when he says 150 total contacts, with seven percent being issued citations – I would be curious to know what the contacts were for. Moving violations, equipment issue – or whatever – I think that could help us.”Mayor Roberts said, “as we all know, we have been working with the town in regards to the OHV program, to make it as palatable as we can for the town citizenry. The Commissioners discussed it this morning, we’ve discussed it a couple of times, we were working on that ordinance to see what we can do, and the three major factors that came up: the amount of the fines; the county wants to raise the helmet fine to $300 for 18 and under. Then, mufflers and spark arrestors – so, noise, and hours of operation.”Bruce said, “they (Hinsdale County) were going to follow us on the hours of operation and we were going to follow them on the fines.”Roberts, speaking to Starnes, said, “I requested that the Sheriff be here because he’s part of this and as we do what we do, I’m interested in your feedback.” Starnes replied, “happy to give it. What are the proposed hours of operation?”Roberts replied, “we’ve been discussing 6 a.m. until 9 p.m.”“What if someone comes off the loop at midnight, or if they have a flat tire?” asked Starnes.Trustee Bruce said, “well, you have discretion, and that would be an exception.”Town Manager Lex Mulhall stated that the other timeframe being considered was 6 a.m. until 11 p.m., and Starnes replied that he felt those times would be more reasonable.Trustee Bruce said she had spoken with some homeowners who lived along the highway, who were not necessarily in favor of OHVs, proposing a 6 a.m. start time until a 10 p.m. end time, and she reported that this idea was favorable, as it gives the noise an eight-hour break. Mayor Roberts agreed, saying, “[we know] not everyone is going to comply. What we’re doing is asking the citizens what they prefer, then we can publish that for all the visitors and guests, saying this is what the town wants. But also, let me back up a step – the newspaper kind of put me out of context – in one of our meetings, I made a comment and I was talking about the stereos [not mufflers, as reported] and how I heard them coming down Crooke’s Hill, and as I read our existing ordinance, that’s in there already. I don’t see you guys [Sheriff’s Office] chasing down every loud stereo.”Starnes interjected to say, “I’ve chased down a few.”Further, Starnes said he would like to share an example from last summer,..(continued) Missing the Whole Story? Click the button below to subscribe! You can receive the weekly publication of The Lake City Silver World to your inbox or front door!

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Town Manager Reports Lake City Directly Affected by Frozen FEMA Program

Town Manager Lex Mulhall attended a Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) funding freeze meeting last month, where questions were answered about all federal funding freezes mandated by Trump’s executive orders. On this call were over six hundred attendees from town and county governments, schools, special districts and non-profit organizations, all of whom were being affected by the freezing of federal funds.Mulhall asked about the state revolving loan fund that will be used to fund the construction of Lake City’s Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), set to begin this spring. He was told that funds that have already been rewarded are in possession of the state, but that no new funding is available and it is unknown when additional funding might become available.Further, Mulhall was informed that 35 lawsuits have been filed against Trump’s executive orders, and two judges have ruled frozen funds are to be released immediately until the matter is settled in court. Despite this, most federal funds are still frozen and intended recipients of those funds are unable to submit reimbursement requests. In his Town Manager report submitted at the March 5 Board of Trustees meeting, Mulhall informed Trustees, “The Trump administration is ignoring the court rulings” at this time. Mulhall went on to say in his report, “we have been directly affected, having received notice on February 25 that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program has been frozen and is currently undergoing review, and that they will not be able to help us until the program is up and running again.”According to Mulhall, supporting documents that DOLA was assisting the Town with for the FEMA BRIC WWTP generator sub-application have been received, along with some of the documents for a FEMA BRIC Ball Flats Slope Flood and Debris Flow scoping project.The state deadline for the FEMA BRIC applications has been pushed back from March 1 to March 12, and Mulhall and staff will be submitting both sub- applications in case the program does wind up being funded.For the $900,000 supplemental loan for the WWTP from Colorado Water Resource and Power Development Authority, Mulhall was asked by Audit Firm Butler Snow to calculate how much the new sewer rates would have brought in if they had been in place in 2024. The firm requested this information because they need to verify that the Town will be capable of repaying the additional debt service for the loan.In January/February of 2024, the Town generated $61,242 in water revenue and $65,129 in sewer revenue. In January/February of this year, $64,091 was generated in water revenue and $92,478 was generated in sewer revenue. That places water revenue 4.6% higher in 2025 compared to 2024, the percentage amount which the water rate has been raised. The sewer revenue generated is 42% higher than in 2024. Using that percentage, Mulhall calculated the estimated 2025 revenue by multiplying the total revenue from 2024 by the percentage change from January and February of 2025.If total 2024 water revenue of $402,405 is multiplied by 4.6%, then 2025 estimated water revenue would equal $420,405. If total 2024 sewer revenue of $407,052 is multiplied by 42%, then 2025 estimated sewer revenue would equal $578,013. Therefore, total estimated 2025 water and sewer revenue with the new rates will equal $998,418.Mulhall added that this calculation does not include the expected additional revenue that will come from changing the excess usage calculation rates, which is expected to generate an additional $10,000 – $20,000.“This is looking good in terms of what we need to pay the additional debt service and to fund the water and sewer capital improvements fund sufficiently,” Mulhall said. “We budgeted $410,000 for water and $575,000 for sewer to ensure we could cover it.”Mulhall’s calculations have been sent to Butler Snow, and according to Mulhall, they should now have everything needed to generate and execute the loan documents.“Hopefully,” said Mulhall, “these funds have not been affected by the federal funding freeze.”

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Klondike Snowslide Blocks Henson Creek, Briefly Strands Capitol City Residents

An annual rite of high country spring, the once or occasionally twice-per-season running of the Klondike Snowslide, occurred late last week.This year’s slide once again blocked a narrow section of Henson Creek midway between Nellie Creek and the Capitol City Townsite, depositing heavily compacted snow an estimated 25’ deep cross both County Road 20 and the blockaded creekbed.The blocked road, including impounded Henson Creek water 3” to 4” deep above the slide, temporarily inconvenienced one Capitol City resident, Ron Hefty, who rode his side-by-side OHV down to the upper side of the slide on a reconnaissance mission. The OHV promptly became bogged and then frozen overnight in the water and snow slush and was later retrieved. In addition to Hefty, also briefly snowbound as a result of the snowslide was Capitol City homeowner Bill Matlack.As a safety precaution with snowslide danger in mind, Hinsdale County Road and Bridge seasonally closes County Road 20 to Capitol City and beyond with a locked gate at Nellie Creek. Recreationists and up valley landowners are, however, allowed to park at the gate and at their own risk traverse the unplowed portion of CR20 beyond the gate on foot or via snowmobile.After learning of the Klondike Slide last Wednesday, and trapped Capitol City residents above the slide, Hinsdale Road & Bridge Supervisor Don Menzies says he walked to the slide to assess the situation. After allowing the snow to settle and ascertaining no further slide activity was imminent, Menzies instructed Senior Foreman Gavin McNitt and road dept. workers Tom Hamel and Travis de Christino to begin clearing the slide on Monday this week utilizing the county road crew’s backhoe, front end loader, and Komatzu bulldozer.Menzies said he expects the snowslide to be cleared after a full day’s work on Monday, although upper Henson Creek road access will remain closed at the Nellie Creek gate. The Klondike Snowslide has been known in the past to have occasionally run twice in a season and several traditional snowslide routes — the Big and Little Casino Slides — have yet to run this year.Despite occasional suggestions for year-round plowing of CR20 to Capitol City, Road Supervisor Menzies is adamant that the county “will never keep the road open” in winter and early spring beyond Nellie Creek owing to extreme snowslide danger.County Administrator Sandy Hines emphasizes that despite increasing Capitol City development, the county has historically not plowed upper portions of CR 20 beyond its intersection with Nellie Creek owing to snowslide health and safety concerns. She adds that in the future, Commissioners may revisit and clarify exemptions which have allowed snowmobilers to utilize unplowed portions of the road at their own risk.Informal discussions between the county and Capitol City landowners took place in September and October last year in relation to County Road 20 traffic, first requests for highway surface improvement and later a request for increased signage in terms of speed limits.Commissioners were also requested to work with Hinsdale Road & Bridge to ensure that private vehicles parked at the Nellie Creek Road closure were not plowed in.In separate road & bridge news, and now interrupted by work clearing the Klondike Snowslide, Hinsdale Road & Bridge Supervisor Don Menzies reports that on Henson Creek, and above the locked gate at Nellie Creek, road worker Zairick Waddington had used the county’s D7 bulldozer clearing snow as far as Whitmore Falls near the base of Engineer Pass.Until Wednesday last week on the Upper Lake Fork, Tom Hamel was at work on the Komatzu bulldozer opening County Road 30 on the approach to Cinnamon Pass as far as Grizzly Gulch at the start of Burrows Park.Last Wednesday’s Henson Creek snowslide, together with intermitant early spring snowfall last week, may delay further high-country road openings until mid-April.

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Dear Grant and Silver World crew—

I continue to enjoy reading of Lake City from (very) far afield, here in Virginia. I noticed a reference to OHV decibel levels in the February 28 Silver World. While I have no dog in the OHV issue, my wife Liz and I were surprised at how many of them passed us as we trudged on foot up to Carson and back the last time we were in the area, in 2023. The article this week stated that OHVs made after 1 January 1998 must “register at 96dB(A).” Just for some context, using an app on my iPhone, down at my nearest NASCAR track in Richmond, when the green flag drops and forty race cars roar by at full throttle, it comes in at 109 decibels (see below). Very Respectfully,Steve StigallMcLean, Virginia

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Deputy Sarah Poet Resigns Sheriff’s Post Effective March 5

Sheriff’s Deputy Sarah Poet, one of the prime investigators on the January 24 vehicular hit and run case, resigned her post effective March 5, 2025. Poet began the academy application process in the fall of 2022, beginning classes in January, 2023. Once her training was completed, she was sworn in to the Hinsdale County Sheriff’s Office June 11, 2023, hired on by former Sheriff Chris Kambish. WORLD spoke with Poet this week, inquiring into her future plans, and she said she plans to remain in Lake City and return to work at The Country Store.“I really miss the people I got to see everyday at the store,” she said. When asked what she liked most about working in law enforcement, she said, “it was an amazing opportunity and I learned a lot. The law enforcement community is the most supportive community of people I’ve ever experienced. No matter what position or rank someone is – Sargeant, Captain, Lieutenant, Sheriff – it doesn’t matter, everyone is so supportive and always has each other’s best interest and success in mind. That was amazing.” With the vacancy Poet’s departure will create, Sheriff Denim Starnes is on the lookout for suitable sheriff’s deputies and has recently been interviewing new recruits.

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New Trustee Wuest Sworn in, OHV Noise Considered at BOT February 19 Meeting

During the February 19 Town of Lake City Board of Trustees meeting, newly appointed Trustee Nathan Wuest was officially sworn in by Mayor Dave Roberts. After taking his oath, Roberts congratulated Wuest, who thanked him in return. .Trustee Jodi Linsey spoke first in the workshop portion of the evening, saying that she had received an email from David Cherry dated January 31, addressed to the Mayor and Trustees. While Linsey did not read the letter, she deemed it “thoughtful and well-written,” and asked that it be included in the next meeting’s correspondence received.Town Manager Lex Mulhall stated that many emails had been received since the joint Town and County meeting and asked if all of those emails should be included, noting that nearly everyone has an opinion on OHVs and the volume of correspondence can become overwhelming.It was agreed upon, across the Board of Trustees, that in the interest of transparency any letter or email addressed to the Mayor and Board of Trustees should indeed be included in correspondence received to be available for public review.Turning the conversation to the matter of OHVs, Mayor Roberts said that he “wanted to keep the conversation going” ahead of the summer season, “because summer will be here before you know it, so the sooner we can have things in place and have information out there for people, the better.”Mayor Roberts directed Trustees to look over the Stay the Trail Off Highway Guidelines pamphlet, saying, “I think [the pamphlet] covers the question of excessive noise, and while it all comes down to enforcement, that’s a reason to have the Sheriff involved in that conversation. What irritates me is when they’re coming down Crooke’s Hill – I remember being a teenager and whoever had the loudest stereo ‘won’ – some [of the OHVs] are so loud you can hear them from town. They don’t need to be that loud.”The pamphlet states that vehicles manufactured after January 1, 1998 register at 96dB(A) [A-weighted decibel] and vehicles manufactured before that date register at 99dB(A).Trustee Diane Bruce pointed out that there is no way to measure this when an OHV is travelling on the road, especially when there are other vehicles around, and that the verbiage in the potential ordinance the Trustees are considering is “unreasonable or excessive engine noise or blower noise. The only way [to determine] it would be to have them rev their engine, stationary. Also – we don’t want vehicles up on the Loop – or driving around town for that matter – without their spark arrestors.” Bruce also cited the hours of operation proposed in the ordinance as 7:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m., with restricted operation of OHVs outside of those hours.”Mayor Roberts said, “I think we’re doing what we can, and I’d just like to get it done, so we can get the word out before the masses arrive.”Bruce added “it’s important to stay proactive and doing things in the direction of improving the situation, so let’s continue to do that.”

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Snowshoe racers at Saturday morning’s starting gate and the line of both 5K and 1K racers and walkers disappearing across Lake San Cristobal…

Top right and left: snowshoe racers at Saturday morning’s starting gate and the line of both 5K and 1K racers and walkers disappearing across Lake San Cristobal; center right, first place 5K snowshoer Doug Eby on the final leg of the race and, left to right, first and second place 1K winners Tracey Henson, from Colorado Springs, and Tickfaw, Louisiana, snowshoer Trey Tycer and, in second place, Jim and Staci Brown from South Fork; Lake Citians Rick and Allison Wetzel raised arms in victory after completing the 1K. Above, left to right, Monte Vista racer Landon Crowder — with multi-generation Howard family Powderhorn ancestry — was directed across the finish line by Greg Olson; victorious Lake Citians in Saturday’s snowshoe race were Becky Daniels and Melanie Merrell, and Campo Caceres, all barely out of breath as they completed the snowy trek. Below, clockwise from right: top place 5K women, Amy Crowder (38 minutes, 23 seconds), Faith Crowder (40.20), and Geri Howard (42.47) and top flight men, Darren Hardy (40.51), first place Dan Eby (31.03), and Landon Crowder (38.07); notable outfits were snugly attired Tony Rackham from Pagosa Springs, Jess Howard with first place 5K canine, the 2-year-old Argentinian dog Otto, and first place cannibal-inspired costume to Linda Drain, from South Fork, who works in Doc Howard’s vet clinic at Creede; door prize winners Monica Irons, Marcia Carl, and Jackilyn Gleason; Hannibal Lecter-inspired Blue Mesa cannibals Monica Irons, Reiley Jones, and Kim Jones; 4th and 5th generation Powderhorn ancestors, snowshoe athletes Amy Crowder, Landon Crowder, and Faith Crowder.

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Squires Leaving as Lake City Postmaster, Corie Godwin Named Officer in Charge

Changes are afoot at Lake City Post Office as the revered local institution prepares to celebrate 150 years since it was established in June, 1875.Shannon Squires, who took the place of retiring Lake City Postmaster Darlene Fry-Holst, is preparing to move to Bend, Oregon, and her final official day on the job in Lake City is Friday, February 21.Squires has been employed by the U.S. Postal Service for five years during time which she has worked at 14 different postal facilities, including three different postal facilities — Friday Harbor, Eastsound and Orcas Landing — on San Juan and Orcas Islands off the coast of Washington State.Most recently prior to Lake City and being named Supervisor here effective June 3, 2023, Squires, worked as a post office clerk in Franktown, Colorado, between Denver and Colorado Springs.“Leaving Lake City is not an easy thing to do,” she says, noting that in her new home of Bend she has a new romantic interest and will continue U.S. Post Office work at a sort station and distribution center.Squires has acquired property in Lake City — the historic Evangeline Lode overlooking Henson Creek which she bought from Gene Brown — and says, it is a given that she and family members including her mother and children will return on a frequent basis and plan, eventually, to build a cabin on the lode claim.As for Lake City Post Office, Squires says she has “absolutely no concerns” and feels she is leaving it in excellent hands with its two tenured clerks, Emily Dozier, who is a nine-year Lake City Post Office clerk, and former Kansas resident Corie Godwin who was hired as clerk two years ago. With Squires’ departure effective Friday this week, Corie Godwin is now Officer in Charge until a replacement supervisor is named.The process for searching for a qualified new Lake City Postmaster starts as the supervisor vacancy is internally listed for existing U.S. Post Office Supervisors who may wish to change location. A criteria for being hired as new Lake City Postmaster is that the individual live in or around Lake City and has local housing.After two cycles being internally advertised to post office supervisors, and if there are no applications, the local office vacancy is then opened for application from all post office employees.Realistically, Squires feels it will be at least three months before a permanent replacement is named for the Lake City Post Office, and for the interim Corie Godwin will continue as Officer in Charge.In terms of how appealing the Lake City Post Office may be for future applicants, Squires foresees it as attractive for both new post office employees or long-time supervisors who may be on the verge of retirement.“The metrics of the Lake City Post Office have changed,” says Squires, noting that it has now expanded to offer passport services. During her two-year tenure, she says, she has concentrated on increasing revenue and favorable survey results.As a result of those shifting metrics, “I think Lake City will be extremely attractive and I anticipate lively interest in the supervisor position.”In addition to her supervisory work at Lake City, during her residence in Lake City, Squires assisted at neighboring post offices, including Crested Butte and Gunnison, at the latter working management detail during the Christmas, 2023, season.She assisted part-time at several local restaurants while living here and will be recalled by WORLD readers for several articles which she researched and wrote for this newspaper, including a geologic-themed features on rare agates to be found north of Lake City.As historical footnote on the 150-year-old Lake City Post Office, it opened June 18, 1875, and its first Postmaster was Stephen A. Dole whose family is best known for its connection to Hawaiian pineapples.The now departing Shannon Squires was the local post office’s 23rd postmaster; in its lengthy history the longest tenured Lake City Postmaster in the local office’s 150-year history is present-day Lake City resident Beth Hurd whose tenure as Postmaster spanned 36 years, two months, and 25 days starting 1979 and continuing through retirement in August, 2010.

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Intent Anglers at San Cristobal Sat. Fishing Derby

On the heels of Lake City’s Ice Climb Festival earlier this month and last weekend’s spring-like BrewSki Stroll at Lake San Cristobal, winter recreation events continue this Saturday, February 15, with the annual Ice Fishing Derby benefiting Hinsdale County Search & Rescue, and next Saturday, February 22, with Darren Hardy carefully plotting out a 3.2-mile course for snowshoe racers on behalf of Lake City Area Medical Center.Both the ice fishing derby and Cannibal Snowshoe Race will be held at Lake San Cristobal, while a third and final outdoor event, the annual Matt Milksi downhill ski race, March 1, will be held at Lake City Ski Hill.Warmer than usual temperatures combined with scant snow conditions have proven a challenge thus far this winter for snow and ice-related events. Alpine Outfitters’ Seth and Aimee Withrow, who are again coordinating this weekend’s fishing derby at Lake San Cristobal, report favorable ice conditions at Lake San Cristobal with minimal snow and ice averaging 18 to 21” thick.Conditions may change, however, with hoped-for snow accumulations from a storm scheduled to strike the San Juans later this week.Charge for ice fishermen entering this year’s derby is once again $20 cash, proceeds benefiting Hinsdale S & R. Registration at the county boat dock begins 6:30 a.m. Saturday, with fishing starting 7:30 a.m. and continuing until cutoff and awards at 1 p.m.Winter anglers hauling in the top three longest Lake Trout will choose from prizes including a fish finder, auger with drill, and a variety of fish huts.The top prizes and a variety of other door prizes are the result of the generosity of a lengthy list of sponsors from individuals and businesses from throughout Lake City and the surrounding area.Prizes which will be handed and tossed out to the exuberant fishermen include a vast array of fishing gear, rods, and tackle, coolers and, for the fashion conscious, hats and other warm fishing attire.Food options at Saturday’s fish derby will include $15 for Tyler Crump’s delicious pulled pork sandwiches, complete with chips and drinks, with snowmobile delivery out onto the ice for the eager fishermen, or individually priced food items — hot burritos, and baked goods with complimentary hot cocoa and coffee, served up throughout the day as a fundraiser by members of the Lake City 4-H Troop.Following is the list of Fish Derby sponsors as of Tuesday this week: Alpine Outfitters, Sport Fish Colorado, Wagner Family, Schultheis Excavation, Troy Golle with Alpine Lumber, San Juan Soda, Timberline, Piezans, Great Plains Land Company, Rooby Richardson, Lakeview Property Management, G&M cabins, Lake City Auto, Crystal Creek Properties: Kelsey Loftis, Sportsmans BBQ, Fullmers Ace Hardware, 38 North, Lark Fork Hunting and Fishing Club, Hall Realty, Gene Taylors, Kesler Custom Knives, Lake City Country Store, Cabin Fever Mercantile, Blue Spruce Lumber, Matterhorn Motel, Refuge Roasters Coffee, Rene’s Garage, Cowboy Steel, Packers Saloon, Deloach Vacation Homes, North Face Lodge, Sportsman’s Fly Shop, Melty’s Catering, Carson Custom Carpentry, Windy Point Trading, Jim and Joni Richeson, Tractor Supply Gunnison, Hinsdale Title Company, Rocky Top Vacation Home Rentals, Climb Elevated Eatery. Coming up a week from Saturday, on February 22 — and again at Lake San Cristobal — is Cannibal Snowshoe Race sponsored by and in benefit of Lake City Area Medical Center.Named in recognition of Lake City’s infamous cannibal, Al Packer, the event starts at the county boat dock and consists of two tracks for snowshoe or ski enthusiasts, one a 1K trek for families or young children and the other a 3.2-mile 5K track.Race contestants are encouraged to dress up in favorite cannibal attire. Kate Hopson has kindly provided a logo for this year’s Cannibal Snowshoe frolic which is emblazoned on a commemorative t-shirt. Early bird, pre-race cost for 5K snowshoers with commemorative t-shirt is $33.85 prior to February 16; $12.51 for 5K snowshoers for race only and not including t-shirt.Registration for the 1K race route is $7.18 and does not include the t-shirt. T-shirt only, $28.52.Sustenance at the snowshoe race is homemade chili and hot chocolate at the boat dock from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at a donation booth manned by Lake City Community School students raising funds for the school’s next Washington, DC, excursion.Both circuitous routes offer uphill challenges with the reward of outstanding views out and over the frozen lake surface. Also a challenge, according to Darren Hardy who has spent the past month preparing the race routes, is the day-to-day weather changes and melting snow.For 1K snowshoe competitors, the route starts at the county boat dock and crosses the frozen lake surface to the east, then an uphill climb to the county road via Wupperman Campground campsites before returning back to the lake and boat dock.More strenuous for snowshoers in the 3.2-mile, 5K snowshoe trek is a similar but longer route from the county boat dock, east and up hill through Wupperman Campground to the county road and then following the road to near the lake inlet bridge before abruptly circling back through Wupperman Campground, then back down hill and across the lake to finish line at the county boat dock. As an example of changing weather conditions, Hardy says he has temporarily abandoned the old snowshoe race course, which departed from the county boat dock straight north through willows at the lake inlet. This old, northward course called for a streamlet crossing which — at least this winter — is now dried up and the resulting terrain impassable.Even for the new eastward route through Wupperman Campground, snow — or lack of snow — challenges remain. Earlier this month, Hardy says he thought he had the new track finalized up and through Wupperman Campground to the county road covered by a comfortable 6”-deep layer of snow.Finalizing the course on a Friday and returning the following day, February 2, Hardy says he was stunned to discover the layer of snow on the road completely disappeared and replaced by 50 yards of mud with patchy snow.Despite the sudden and unusual appearance of February mud, Hardy has persevered and —

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